Bak peribahasa 'melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya' yang membawa maksud jika hendak mengajar atau mendidik anak-anak biarlah ketika usianya masih kecil kerana apabila sudah dewasa sukar pula untuk si anak menerima teguran atau ajaran yang kita terapkan.
Hadir pada majis sidang akhbar yang berkaitan dengan acara melibatkan kanak-kanak di ParisZki Talent's Touch Studio baru-baru ini, Kak Fas terpegun melihat begitu ramai sebenarnya kanak-kanak dari usia 3 tahun ke atas yang mempunyai bakat terpendam dalam bidang seni, baik tarian, nyanyian mahu pun modelling.
Begitu comel sekal melihat gelagat mereka apabila diminta melakukan posing bak peragawati berpengalaman gayanya.
Siapa kah mereka ini?
Mereka adalah sebahagian daripada kanak-kanak berbakat yang bakal menyertai peraduan 'The Prince & Princess Cheongsam Samfu 2020/Ambassador 2020' yang bakal berlangsung pada awal Februari depan.
Sempena program yang akan berlangsung selama dua hari di Quill City Mall pada 1hb dan 2hb Februari 2020, turut diumumkan penganjuran 'International Charity Bazaar 2020' serta 'Asia Pacific Prince & Princess 2020 Finals' yang bakal membawa kanak-kanak dari negara luar berkampung di Melaka pada bulan Jun.
Apa pun bagi kemudahan semua tidak kira bangsa yang ingin menghantar anak mereka ke program ini, bolehlah membaca entri selanjutnya dalam BI...
The Prince & Princess Cheongsam Samfu 2020 I Ambassador 2020 kids catwalk & talent competition and the International Charity Bazaar 2020 was officially launched at a press conference which was held at ParisZki Talent’s Touch Studio in Ukay Heights recently.
Both events will be held simultaneously at the Quill City Mall in Kuala Lumpur from 10.00 am to 9.00 pm daily on 1St and 2″d February 2020, and will feature a variety of activities that will include kids competitions, festival fashion shows, dances, workshops, a charity bazaar, live performances and lucky draws.

Among the fashion shows presented will be by Luire, Tradisindo and Kurasi, and a special “Trend Kebaya 2020” showcase by Rumah Kebaya Malaysia.
The workshops will feature programs such as Carribean & Arabic Cooking Style, Austrian Pancakes in the Making, Italian Cooking Show, Italian Decoupaged, Soap Making and Henna Painting, among others.
The main event which is the 'Prince & Princess Cheongsam-Samfu 2020/ Ambassador 2020' competition will be divided over two days.
The first day will see participants competing in the talent competition while day two will focus on modelling.
The talent competition is open to participants who will be given the opportunity to showcase their talents in singing, music, dancing, magic and other variety acts.
The following categories which will be in contention at the Prince & Princess Cheongsam-Samfu 2020 competition are as follows:
- Mini Miss Cheongsam (3 – 7 years-old)
- Mini Mr Samfu (3-7 years-old)
- Little Miss Cheongsam (8-12 years-old)
- Little Mr Samfu (8 12 years-old)
- Miss Pre-Teen Cheongsam (13-17 years-old)
- Miss Cheongsam (18 years old & above)
- Mr Samfu (18 years old & above)
- Grandma/Mom & Grandchild/Child Cheongsam/Samfu Walk Talent
Ambassador Awards 2020 will also be presented at the competition with the folllowing up for grabs:
- Ambassador Award – Talent’s Touch Studi
- Ambassador Award – Asia Pacific Prince & Princess 2020
- Ambassador Award Club Yummy Mummy
- Ambassador Award Quill City Mall 2020
- Ambassador Award C Plan 2020
- Ambassador Award Laffa Wedding Beauty 2020
Two Grand Champions will represent Malaysia at the C Plan Kids Supermodels finals in Beijing, China, and also at the Asia Paciflc Prince & Princess 2020 finals in Melaka.
The two-day International Charity Bazaar 2020 will host around 25 vendors. with proceeds being donated to Pertubuhan Sayang Malaysia (PERSAMA), which is focused on helping children with special needs, especially autism.
Also launched at the press conference is the Asia Pacific Prince & Princess 2020 Finals which will be held in June 2020 at the historic city of Melaka.
It will be the very first time that Malaysia and ParisZki Talent's Touch are given the privilege and trust to host this popular and well respected international kids competition.
It will see talented delegates from more than 30 countries from across Asia Pacific vying for honors in our country.
With regards to The Asia Pacific Prince & Princess Fashion Week 2020 which will take centre stage in Kuala Lumpur on April 2020, the first batch of 21 kid models from Malaysia were revealed to the members of the media during the event.
They are Chanel Chan, Mumtaz Farha, Carlson Low, Carrison Hoi, Chelyssa Hoi Nur llyasha Qistina, Nikki To, Sophia Hiley, Kyzer Tou, Sheryan Aisha, Suraya Tasha, Jayden Ng, Adebella Ng, Isabelle Ta, Rami Darma, Ku Puteri Ameera, Bong You You, Paris Boukendoul, Khusna Tamadhania, Kyla and Yuba Boukendoul.
The press conference also saw the announcement of the collaboration between upcoming child singer Yuba Boukendoul and celebrated singer-songwriter and producer Hasnol Ariff.
Hasnol will be producing an Asian music album for Yuba, who is of Malaysian-Chinese and Algerian descent.
The album which features songs in Malay, English and Chinese, is targeted for the Malaysia and also China markets.
It is expected to be released in July 2020. Yuba is the Prince & Princess 2019 International Champion and also the Global Champion of Star Macao International.
"It is a great pleasure to work with children and groom them up at an early stage. I will be composing few songs for Yuba who has a great voice at his age of 12 years old," said Hasnol when met.
The press conference was concluded with the announcement of flamboyant film producer, actress, editor and writer Godmot (below, left) as Patron and Mentor for the competition.
Princes & Princess Cheongsam-Samfu 2020 is organised by ParisZki Talent’s Touch and co-organised by Yummy Mummy Club.
For more information about ways to send in your entries with a minimal fee of RM100 do contact the organizer at +603 4265 0062.
#ParisZklTalent #Prince/Princesscheongsam #hasnolariffin #yubaboukendoul
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