
Sebut sahaja nama Puan Sri Shariffa Nisa Binti Syed Hamid atau lebih dikenali dengan nama ringkasnya, Nisa Bakri, siapa yang tidak mengenali wanita jelita dalam usia 50-an ini.

Seperti diakuinya sendiri, beliau kini satu-satunya chef wanita bergelar Chef Puan Sri Nisa Bakri walau pun satu ketika dahulu pernah menerbitkan buku berjudul, “I Am Not A Chef’.

Pun begitu, ‘passion’nya terhadap masakan tidak dapat dinafikan lagi oleh industri bahawa Nisa Bakri sesungguhnya seorang pakar masakan wanita yang bukan sahaja dikenali dalam negara bahkan di mata dunia.

Seingat Kak Fas pertama kali bertemu dengannya ketika beliau melancarkan dua jenis pes masakannya pada bulan Disember 2015 iaitu pes Asam Pedas dan Pes Kari Ikan, Kak Fas seperti sudah lama mengenalinya waima orangnya peramah dan mesra didekati walau pun statusnya sudah berada dalam darjat yang  tinggi.

Selepas itu kali kedua bertemu dengannya adalah pada majlis meraikan kejayaan beliau sebagai salah seorang daripada 9 penerima dari Malaysia yang dianugerahkan ‘The Outstanding ASEAN Women Entrepreneur Award 2019' anjuran AWEN (ASEAN Women Entrepreneur Network).


Sejak itu, beberapa tahun berlalu dan terbaharu, apabila mendapat jemputan untuk menghadiri majis ‘Pencapaian Istimewa Sepanjang Tahun: Chef Puan Sri Nisa Bakri Ceritakan Semuanya’, tentulah Kak Fas terima dengan lapang dada.

Seperti kebiasaannya sebaik sahaja bertemu, dengan penuh mesra beliau menyapa, “Terima kasih datang, lama tak jumpa…”

Wajahnya kelihatan sentiasa awet muda selari dengan hatinya yang bersih dan sudah tentu berkat amalan pemakanannya yang sihat. 

Apa pun untuk majlis kali ini biarlah Kak Fas coretkan dalam Bahasa Inggeris sesuai dengan pengisian acara yang dihadiri tetamu jemputan pelbagai bangsa, dipenuhi dengan program ucapan tahniah oleh rakan-rakan seperjuangan beliau.

Baca seterusnya dibawah ini....

REGARDED as an affluent women, Chef Puan Sri Nisa Bakri, took extra leap to group known business associates, notable clients and friends for pledging supports to the nation in delivering nation's unity message through entrepreneurship cultural


The exclusive entrepreneur's networking event was held at Hap Seng Star showroom in the presence of 60 invited VIPs, Business associates, clients and friends, all of whom came  to applaud Chef Puan Sri Nisa Bakri's achievements.

Several speakers shared their thoughts and successful recognition towards Nisa Bakri namely Liang Foo Kuan, the founder of Big Onion catering; Alvin Soh, the

Country Delegate for Global Chamber of Business Leaders Europe in

Malaysia; Datin Maliga Subramaniam, Chairlady of India ASEAN Startup

summit; Peggy Chong, founder of World Gourmet; Dato Howard Chew

the founder of Black Card; Nelson Liew, the President of BNC Malaysia

and David Teh, the Secretary-General of Yayasan Dato Malaysia.

FOTO Credit: FB Black Card Platform.

She was also awarded a Certicate of Appointment as Presiden of Black Queendom Club by Black Card.

As the aspiring entrepreneur, Chef Nisa Bakri has been through

challenging journey all these years in establishing the homegrown brand

better known as Nisa Bakri Gourmet

As the name reflects, gourmet is always a natural remedy in bringing people closer and this has been a proven fact ever since Nisa Bakri Gourmet is established. 

There's a saying: "Good foods connect people” and that is what Nisa Bakri had been doing not only focusing her culinary passion in Malaysia but recognised globally.

A homecook- turned-celebrity chef, Chef Puan Sri Nisa Bakri has

demonstrated strong and evolving entrepreneurship traits through her


Strategic collaboration and partnership were indeed the accelerator which Chef Nisa Bakri strongly believe in developing a strong ties across different business community regardless of race and nationality. 

The strong belief implanted within her entrepreneurship traits have given her the winning edge in ensuring successful business relationship with various business partners both locally and internationally. 

To-date, Chef Puan Sri Nisa Bakri has won numerous awards and recognitions; to name a few such as a finalist in the National Association of Women Entrepreneurs of Malaysia Award 2023 (NAWEM); Outstanding Gourmet Bespoke Chef 2023" award at the ASEAN Investment & Trade Forum, a recognition title of "Chef Puan Sri Nisa Bakri" was awarded by the culinary Art Organization, "Business Leadership & Social Service Malaysia Award" by Women Entrepreneurs International Chambers of India (WEICI) and many more.

Truly exceptional day which all invited guests get to enjoy the storyline about the one and only Chef Puan Sri Nisa Bakri, a touching sharing session by all notable speakers. 

During the event, Nisa also launched her latest brand product, ‘Belisimo’ - Nourishing Mind, Body & Soul for a healthier  entrepreneurial journey.

“It is a  revolutionary health supplement encapsulated in a convenient jelly form, crafted from 100% natural ingredients,” said Nisa Bakri.

Ending the exclusive  vibrant event day, VIPs were later welcomed for test-drive hosted by Hap seng star and nothing happier than enjoying a good lunch served by Big Onion Catering. 

#ChefPuanSriNisaBakri #Belisimo #HealthyFood #HapSengStar #Culinary #fyp

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